Convolvulus 'Blue Ensign'
Convolvulus 'Blue Ensign'
Mounding plants with free-blooming, top-setting flowers that sport clear nautical blue trumpets with gold and white painted throats. Easy-growing, reliable season-long bloom.
Bloom - Summer/Fall
Height - 12-18”
Spacing - 6-8”
Exposure - Sum
Hardiness - Annual
Attributes -
Royal Blue Ensign morning glories’ low bush plant habit is convenient and versatile. Grow them in beds or borders, or showcase their glowing color in planters where the striking deep blue will set off the warm yellows and oranges of Ladybird cosmos, dwarf marigolds, or zinnias. If plants get rangy in midsummer, trim them back halfway for another long flush of bloom.
Convolvulus tricolor